3 thoughts on “C-Media autostartup poll

  1. Before I seem ungrateful, let me point out just how happy I am for the efforts put forth. Thank you so much!

    But as far as the two options presented, why can’t we have both? The Asus control panel could be pined to the quick launch menu which allowed me to use WIN+# shortcut to open it. I can no longer do that with the C-media panel – although I still much prefer the far less tacky interface of it.

    Also, the only thing I did like about the Asus setup was a Hifi button to remove all processing without the need to switch through tabs. Could that be implemented into the C-media panel? Perhaps even a configurable preset selector. I may be asking for the stars, but if you never ask…

    And again, I’m more grateful that there is a person out there who actually cares, than that I finally have mostly decent drivers. Thank you!

    1. Hi, thanks for starting with that :))

      If you are suggesting that you should have a option selecting if you want the Audio panel to auto start or not, thats wouldn’t be such a bad idea, the only problem its getting to complicated to have these many options (for me and you the users).
      You can make a manually create a shorcut to the C-media audio panel and than use it with a keyboard shortcut. Go to Control Panel -> select C-Media Oxygen Panel (or whatever its called there) and right click on it and select “Create shortcut”.

      Regarding “Hi-Fi” button, for now it can’t be implemented.:( And thats also the case with preset selector, which i must admit is really a good idea. The main problem is I can’t access and edit the Audio panel. But there could be a way using those external files like sample rate switcher. Maybe I’ll talk to Virus regarding this.

      Thanks for the suggestions.

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